where I truly belong to!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

AND NOW let me speak of other things. On a day when He and I were alone walking in a field, we were both hungry, and we came to a wild apple tree. There were only two apples hanging on the bough. And he held the trunk of the trr with His arm and shook it, and the two apples fell down.
He picked them both up and gave one to me. The otherHe held in His hand.
In my hunger I ate the apple, and ate it fast.
Then I looked at Him and I saw that He still held the other apple in His hand.
And He gave it to me saying: "Eat this also"
And I took the apple, and in my shameless hunger I ate it.
And as we walked on I looked upon His faceā€¦
He had given me the two apples. And I knew He was hungry even as I was hungry.
But I now know that in giving them to me He had been satisfied.

YOU ARE indeed charitable when you give, and while giving turn your face away so that you may not see the shyness of the receiver.
(taken from Selections of Gibran Khalil Gibran)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:36 AM  

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